A.R. Rahman became the first Indian to win a golden globe. The Indian based story "Slumdog Millionaire" wins the best picture award. Based on the Vikash Swarup novel "Q & A" the film is based on Mumbai. We wish the team to win Oscars also.
But waht's more important is the Story of the film. A slum boy, who is uneducated participates in the "KBC/Who wants to be a Millionaire" reality show, win 20 Million Rupees & also finds his lost love. How he knows the answer for the questions is the story of the film. The important thing we have to note here is "HE DON'T WIN THE MONEY BY MERE LUCK. HE JUST FINDS THE ANSWER FROM HIS PAST DARK LIFE" All of us have met something bad in our life. Be it some failures in exams, loss of our loved ones or anything. It happens just to make something straight. God, the supreme power gives us pain just to make us strong. And when we cross each & every hurdle in our life, we are getting much stronger. And here in this film is this guy, Jamal Malik who uses his past dark memories, finds out the answer & wins. He is uneducated & he may decide not to participate in the show. But its his will that drives him to participate in the show & he ultimately wins. Most of us are not like Jamal Malik. We consider ourselves inferior & we are not competing with others.
"Staircases are made with stones. Its only with us whether we consider it as hurdles or stepping stones"